UN Projects

United Nations Development Programme research project on gender mainstreaming in livelihood programming for the Syria crisis. Mapped and reviewed UN, NGO, and academic literature. Visited Turkey, attended two UN Meetings (3RP Launch 2019-2020 and Syria Task Force) and conducted ten interviews in Ankara and Gaziantep with UN agencies, I/NGOs, and local actors.  With Jennifer Olmsted, wrote a report comparing response in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey:

Olmsted, Jennifer C., and Caitlin Killian. 2021. Women and Work: Improving Gender Integration in the Livelihoods Response to the Syrian Crisis. United Nations Development Programme Report. https://www.arabstates.undp.org/content/rbas/en/home/library/crisis-response0/women-and-work–improving-gender-integration-in-the-livelihoods-.html.

Course developer for an online module on gender and sexual and reproductive rights and health for the United Nations for training use for their staff worldwide.
